DREME at the 2023 Families Learning Conference
Join DREME Network members for presentations about family math at the 2023 Families Learning Conference.
DREME Family Math Resources
Oct. 23, 2023, 2:00-3:15pm
Discover the wide array of freely-available family math resources for educators and family-facing practitioners created by the Development and Research on Early Mathematics Education (DREME) Network. The research-based resources help professionals support family math with young children.
DREME Presenter: Eric Dearing
Linking Family Math, Literacy, and Equity Practice
Oct. 24, 2023, 2:00-3:15pm
This session will present the power of integrating strengths-based practices for family math, family literacy, and social justice. The session will cover successes and lessons learned from a multi-year research-practice partnership between Tandem, Partners in Early Learning and the DREME Network.
DREME Presenter: Eric Dearing