NAEYC DAP Symposium
Join DREME Network Members, June 9-10, at the NAEYC DAP Symposium.
DREME presenters: Douglas Clements,
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind virtual event exploring the changes to NAEYC’s Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) and the implications it has for you and the profession.
Featured Session: Playful Learning + DAP Promotes the Development of Math (and more)
Math competences upon kindergarten entry predict later academic success…even entry to college. Rich mathematical activities that are playful and based on development can propel young children’s mathematical learning, and also executive function skills. What practices promote math development in the classroom, childcare settings, and at home? What tools help build our understanding of children’s thinking and how to support it? Find out and talk about the latest research and resources.