National Math Festival
Visit DREME in the 2019 Festival: Make or Take Spiral for ideas on how to practice loving math with your family.
Activities include:
Doing Math the Mayan Way: Parents will help children recognize, count, or perform operations using the Mayan numeric system. They will leave with an appreciation of the Mayan culture whose people invented the number 0 and developed an intricate mathematical system, and with a simple fun learning activity that they could do easily do at home with their children using everyday objects.
Storybook Activities: Parents and children will play activities (based on content from storybooks) that help them practice their math skills.
Exploring Math with Paper: Fold Math into Your Day: Families will engage in spatial thinking and language through origami and making symmetrical designs by folding paper.
Family Card Games: Families will learn some math games they can play with a simple deck of playing cards. We will also have materials from our cooking and math project available.
Make a Statement, with Math!: Parents gain experience with seizing opportunities to engage in math during everyday routines and activities.
General Information and Resources: This table will serve as an introduction to our work, an opportunity to sign up for our mailing list, and to take some resources designed for teachers.