Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
May 2nd—May 4th, 2022
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Join DREME Network Members and Affiliates at this meeting hosted by the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).
Monday, May 2, 10:15 – 11:45 am AST
Early Education Strength-based Research With Latine Families: Funds of Knowledge, Co-design, and Culturally Situated Assessment (Paper Symposium)
Paper: Co-constructing Tools for Teacher-Family Collaboration on Early Math Learning in Latinx Communities
Authors: Graciela Borsato, Stanford University; Eric Dearing, Boston College; Veronica Goei, Grail Family Services (GFS); Nereyda Hurtado, Grail Family Services (GFS); Gigliana Melzi, New York University; Sara Schnitzer, Boston College
Paper: Latine Head Start parents’ Math Talk Across Contexts
Authors: Gigliana Melzi, Verónica Mesalles, & Paola Montúfar (New York University).