Best of Both Worlds: Developing an Innovative, Integrated, Intelligent, and Interactive System of Technologies Supporting In-Person and Digital Experiences for Early Mathematics

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Computers in the Schools

APA citation

Clements, D. H., Guss, S. S., Sarama, J., & Alvarez-Vargas, D. (2024). Best of Both Worlds: Developing an Innovative, Integrated, Intelligent, and Interactive System of Technologies Supporting In-Person and Digital Experiences for Early Mathematics. Computers in the Schools, 1–20.


Mathematics is a core component of cognition. Unfortunately, most young children and teachers cannot access research-based early childhood mathematics resources. Building on a quarter-century of research, we are developing and evaluating an innovative, integrated, intelligent, and interactive system of technologies based on empirically validated learning trajectories that provide the best personal and digital tools for assessing and supporting children’s mathematics learning. This article reviews the research that guided us, then describes the design principles of the new project, justifying their selection using theory and research, and shares how the design principles helped address challenges in development. The goal is to provide teachers, caregivers, and children with high-quality resources to support early mathematics learning in the context of meaningful, motivating, challenging, and achievable experiences.