The DREME Network was created to advance the field of early mathematics research and improves the opportunities to develop math competencies offered to children birth through age 8 years, with an emphasis on the preschool years. All four main Network projects will have implications for interventions. Section 1 introduces the Network and its four projects. The remainder of the chapter focuses on one of these four projects, Making More of Math (MMM), in depth. MMM is directly developing an intervention for children, based on selecting high-quality instructional activities culled from the burgeoning curriculum resources. We first report a review of 457 activities from 6 research-based curricula, which describes the number of activities by content focus, type (nature), and setting of each activity. Given the interest in higher-order thinking skills and self-regulation, we then identified activities that had the potential to, develop both mathematics and executive function (EF) proficiencies. We rated these, selecting the top 10 for extensive coding by mathematics content and EF processes addressed. We find a wide divergence across curricula in all these categories and provide comprehensive reports for those interested in selecting, using, or developing early mathematics curricula.
The DREME Network: Research and interventions in early childhood mathematics
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Advances in Child Development and Behavior
APA citation
Day-Hess, C. A., & Clements, D. H. (2017). The DREME network: Research and interventions in early childhood mathematics. In J. Sarama, D. H. Clements, C. Germeroth & C. A. Day-Hess (Eds.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Vol. 53: The development of early childhood mathematics education (pp. 1-42). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.