2017 SRCD Biennial Meeting
Come and see us discuss/participate/present at the SRCD Biennial Conference on April 6-7, 2017 in Austin, Texas.
Thursday, April 6
10:00 to 11:30am, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 19A
Paper presentation: The value of classroom observations using behavioral measures: Setting goals for changes in practice in pre-K
Dale Clark Farran, Caroline Heaton Christopher, Kimberly Turner Nesbitt, Deanna Nicole Meador
12:00 to 1:30pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 19A
Paper presentation: Effects on mathematics and executive function of a mathematics and play intervention versus mathematics alone
Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Carolyn Layzer, Fatih Unlu, Carrie Germeroth, Lily Fesler
2:00 to 3:30pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 16B
Paper presentation: Math anxiety and parents’ use of number words with their children
Talia Berkowitz, Dominic J. Gibson, Joseph Monahan, Susan Levine
Friday, April 7
8:00am to 9:15am, Austin Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 4
Poster presentation: Parents’ and children’s spontaneous creation and discussion of patterns
Allison Bock, Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Michele Mazzocco
10:15 to 11:45am, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 8B
Paper symposium: Longitudinal evaluation of a scale-up model: Critical components and effects on persistence and sustainability
Paper 1: The TRIAD scale-up model and its effects: teaching early mathematics with trajectories and technologies
Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama
Paper 2: Effects of implementation variables on an early mathematics intervention based on learning trajectories
Carrie Germeroth, Julie Sarama, Douglas H Clements
Paper 3: Sustainability: Longitudinal effects of an early mathematics intervention based on learning trajectories on teachers’ practices
Julie Sarama, Douglas H Clements, Christopher B. Wolfe
Paper 4: Persistence of effects of an early mathematics intervention based on learning trajectories on students’ math
Carolyn Layzer, Fatih Unlu, Douglas H Clements, Julie Sarama
12:15 to 1:45pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 8B
Paper presentation: Do demands on executive function enhance or hinder preschoolers’ learning from a math game?
Alana Foley, Sarah H. Eason, Sarah Leonard, Kassie Kerr, Amy Claessens, Susan Levine
12:15 to 1:45pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 9C
Poster presentation: Child gain and classroom practices: First year results from 139 pre-K classrooms funded by the preschool development grants
Kelly Durkin, Dale Clark Farran
2:15 to 3:45 pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 14
Paper presentation: The effects of context and labeling on children’s number learning
Dominic J. Gibson, Talia Berkowitz, Susan Levine
Saturday, April 8
10:15 to 11:30am, Austin Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 4
Poster session: “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it”: Pre-K classroom climate and children’s gains in academic and interpersonal skills
Carol Heaton Christopher, Dale Clark Farran, Kimberly Turner Nesbitt, Deanna Nicole Meador
10:30am to 12:00pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 9A
Conversation roundtable: Early gender gaps in STEM learning and motivation: Causes, consequences, and intervention
Susan Levine
12:15pm to 1:30pm, Austin Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 4
Poster presentation: Parents’ beliefs and perceptions about math: Relations to parents’ early math engagement with their children
Rebekah LeMahieu
12:30 to 2:00pm, Hilton Austin, Governor’s Ballroom Salon E
Paper presentation: MELQO mathematical domain task performance across countries
Linda Platas
2:15pm-3:30pm, Austin Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 4
Poster presentation: Direction language during parent-child play activities as executive function support
Lindsay Clements, Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Jane Hutchison, Emily Prager, Michele Mazzocco, Deborah Phillips, Eric Dearing
2:30pm to 4:00pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 4A
Paper symposium: Parent and early educator support of children’s early mathematics learning
Paper 1: Parents direct young children to attend to numerical and other mathematical features during play
Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Nicole Prokes, Allison Bock, Michele Mazzocco
Paper 2: The relationship between level of abstraction and content in storybook reading
Colleen Uscianowski, Victoria Almeda, Cassie Freeman, Herbert Ginsburg
Paper 3: Parents’ math anxiety and talk about numbers during pretend play with preschoolers
Sarah Eason, Ariadne Nelson, Sarah Leonard, Eric Dearing, Susan Levine
Paper 4: Maternal support of young children’s planning and spatial concept learning as predictors of later math (and reading) achievement
Caitlin Lombardi, Beth Casey, Dana Thomson, Hoa Nha Nguyen, Eric Dearing
4:30 to 6:00pm, Austin Convention Center, Meeting Room 6A
Paper presentation: Mathematics development from pre-K through 7th grade in urban, high poverty students
Dale Clark Farran, Kelley Durkin, Jessica Ziegler
Paper presentation: Risky business: Correlation and causation in longitudinal studies of skill development
Drew Bailey, Greg J. Duncan, Tyler Watts, Douglas H Clements, Julie Sarama