2019 SRCD Biennial Meeting
Come and see us discuss/participate/present at the SRCD Biennial Conference on March 21-23, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Thursday, March 21
9:30 to 10:45am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Teachers’ knowledge of math development and student outcomes: A formative assessment intervention
Cristina Carrazza, Alana Foley, Janet E. Sorkin, Debbie Leslie, Elizabet Spaepen, Marc Hernandez, Chris Young, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Susan C. Levine, Stephen Raudenbush
Poster presentation: Cardinal number gestures in the home environment
Madeleine Oswald, Dominic Gibson, Jacob R. Butts, Susan C. Levine, Susan Goldin-Meadow
Poster presentation: Impact of a math storybook intervention on the numeracy skills of students with learning disabilities
Colleen Uscianowski
12:30 to 2:00pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 331
Paper presentation: How numbers are presented in counting books matters for children’s learning: A parent-delivered intervention
Cristina Carrazza, Susan C. Levine
2:15 to 3:45pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 331
Paper presentation: Evaluation of three interventions teaching area measurement as spatial structuring to young children
Julie Sarama, Douglas H. Clements, Douglas Van Dine, Jeffrey E. Barrett, Craig Cullen, Ron Dolgin, Aaron Hudyma, Amanda L. Cullen, Cheryl Eames
Paper presentation: Investigating children’s structure, interpretation and representation of space with an intervention for measuring prism volume
Jeffrey E. Barrett, Theodore J. Rupnow, Jenna O’Dell, Craig Cullen, Julie Sarama, Douglas H. Clements
Paper presentation: Young children’s actions on length measurement tasks: Strategies and cognitive attributes
Holland Banse, Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Curtis Tatsuoka, Candance Joswick, Aaron Hudyma, Douglas Van Dine
Paper presentation: Length measurement in the early years: Teaching and learning with learning trajectories
Julie Sarama, Douglas H. Clements, Ellen Joseph, Candance Joswick, Jeffrey E. Barrett, Craig Cullen
4:00 to 5:30 pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 331
Paper presentation: Embedding tips in family cookbooks to improve parent number talk and young children’s numerical skills
Eric Dearing, Ariadne Nelson, Lindsay Clements
Friday, March 22
7:45 to 9:15am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Raising Up Strengths in Latino Families’ Mathematical Practices With Young Children
Margaret Caspe, Gigliana Melzi, Nydia Prishker, et al.
8:00 to 9:30am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 331
Paper presentation: Reducing math anxiety in elementary school children
Marjorie Weber Schaeffer, Talia Berkowitz, Christopher S. Rozek, Sian L. Beilock, Susan C. Levine
9:45 to 11:00am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Evaluating the use of instructional guides to promote positive parent-child interactions during storybook reading
Colleen Uscianowski, Myra Luna-Lucero, Ma. Victoria Almeda, Herb Ginsburg
10:00 to 11:30am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 331
Paper presentation: The role of parent math anxiety on parent math involvement and student math knowledge
Talia Berkowitz, Susan C. Levine
Paper presentation: Quality of fathers’ spatial concept support during block building predicts their daughters’ early math skills
Dana Thomson, Beth M. Casey, Caitlin McPherran Lombardi, Eric Dearing
Paper presentation: Associations between family income and math school readiness: Investigating the role of maternal math support
Caitlin McPherran Lombardi, Eric Dearing
12:45 to 2:00pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Math anxiety and number line estimation in first grade predict math achievement in a longitudinal study up to two years later
Nancy Pantoja, Christopher S. Rozek, Marjorie Weber Schaeffer, Talia Berkowitz, Sian L. Beilock, Susan C. Levine
2:30 to 3:45pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Domain-specific and domain-general lexical ambiguity and their relationship with early math
Sarah Lukowski, Michèle Mazzocco, Rachel E. Olson
3:00 to 4:30pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 345
Paper presentation: Children’s early knowledge of cardinal number gestures
Dominic Gibson, Jacob R. Butts, Talia Berkowitz, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Susan C. Levine
Paper presentation: The spontaneous use of cardinal number gestures
Madeleine Oswald, Dominic Gibson, Jacob R. Butts, Susan C. Levine, Susan Goldin-Meadow
3:00 to 4:30pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 330
Paper presentation: Interdisciplinary teaching across multiple domains: Efficacy of the C4L (Connect4Learning) curriculum
Julie Sarama, Douglas H. Clements, Holland Banse, Crystal A. Day-Hess
Saturday, March 23
8:00 to 9:15am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: The relation between a math app intervention and low-income children’s math achievement
Julianne B. Herts, Nancy Pantoja, Christopher S. Rozek, Rachel Alter, Frances Carter, Sian L. Beilock, Susan C. Levine
Poster presentation: The effect of salience on attention to number persists throughout the early school years
Michèle Mazzocco, Sarah Lukowski, Emily R. Padrutt
9:45 to 11:00am, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: Math anxious elementary school teachers undermine students’ math learning
Marjorie Weber Schaeffer, Christopher S. Rozek, Erin Maloney, Talia Berkowitz, Susan C. Levine, Sian L. Beilock
12:45 to 2:00pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 1, Exhibit Hall B
Poster presentation: The relation between parent math anxiety and parent-child math interactions
Julianne B. Herts, Deena Bernett, Katherine Lawlor, Marisha Kazi, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Susan C. Levine
12:45 to 2:15pm, Hilton Baltimore, Level 1, Latrobe
Paper presentation: How do puzzle features influence parent and child spatial talk?
Sarah H. Eason, Kassie Kerr, Michelle A. Hurst, Amy Claessens, Susan C. Levine
Paper presentation: Contemporaneous and longer-term associations between parents’ and young children’s number talk
Ariadne Nelson, Lindsay Clements, Hope Dragelin, Meghan L. Coughlan, Eric Dearing
12:45 to 2:15pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 330
Paper presentation: Differential Effects of Prekindergarten Practices on Executive Function Development
Kimberly T. Nesbitt, Dale C. Farran, Mary Fuhs
2:30 to 4:00pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 314
Conversation roundtable: Engaging Diverse Students in Early STEM Learning
Moderator: Irena Nayfeld; Panelists: Gigliana Melzi, Margaret Caspe, Kimberley Brenneman, Haley Weaver
4:15 to 5:45pm, Baltimore Convention Center, Level 3, Room 344
Paper presentation: Early numeracy skills mediate the association between relational language and mathematical skills
Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Maria Sera, Michèle Mazzocco
Paper presentation: Quantity and variety of children’s relational language during a semi-structured counting activity
Michelle A. Hurst, Abrea Greene, Taylor Praus-Singh, Sarah H. Eason, Michèle Mazzocco, Amy Claessens, Susan C. Levine