2021 SRCD Biennial Meeting
Hear from DREME Network Members and Affiliates at the SRCD Virtual Biennial Meeting on April 7-9, 2021.
Wednesday, April 7
10:00 to 11:30am EDT (7:00 to 8:30am PDT)
Paper presentation:Latine caregivers’ spatial language and children’s early math skills
Veronica Mesalles, Maria Fernanda Ahumada, Gigliana Melzi
10:15 to 11:15am EDT (7:15 to 8:15am PDT)
Poster presentation: Features of counting books and their influence on preschool children’s counting behavior: Mixed methods approach
Jasmine R. Ernst, Sarah Elizabeth Pan, Michèle Mazzocco
11:35am to 1:05pm EDT (8:35 to 10:05am PDT)
Paper presentation: Las matemáticas son primordiales: Everyday mathematics in the homes of Latine families with young children
Margaret Caspe, Gigliana Melzi, Nydia Prishker, Catalina Alvarado
2:00 to 3:00pm EDT (11:00am to 12:00pm PDT)
Chat with a Leader: Dr. Eric Dearing
Eric Dearing
4:20 to 5:50pm EDT (1:20 to 2:50pm PDT)
Paper presentation: Associations between use of scaffolds and preschooler’s accuracy and working memory during early geometry instruction
Christina Mulcahy, Holland Banse,Douglas H. Clements, Crystal A. Day-Hess
Paper presentation: Baseline EF skills are associated with children’s responsiveness to different types of numeracy training
Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Maria D. Sera, Michèle Mazzocco
Paper presentation: Stability of teacher behaviors and the effects of children’s entering skills
Dale C. Farran, Kimberley Turner Nesbitt
Paper presentation: Teaching moves associated with preschoolers’ arithmetical accuracy and working memory
Holland Banse, Douglas H. Clements, Christina Mulcahy, Crystal A. Day-Hess
Thursday, April 8, 2021
10:00 to 11:30am EDT (7:00 to 8:30am PDT)
Flash Talk session: Children’s proportional interpretation of most is facilitated in continuous area-based contexts
Michelle A. Hurst, Susan C. Levine
1:10 to 2:40pm EDT (10:10 to 11:40am PDT)
Paper presentation: Parents’ and children’s use of magnitude and ordinal relational vocabulary
Madeleine Oswald, Michelle A. Hurst, Kierra D. Thompson, Susan C. Levine
Friday, April 9, 2021
11:45am to 12:45pm EDT (8:45 to 9:45am PDT)
Poster presentation: Parent math anxiety and teaching self-efficacy predict their expectations and value regarding children’s math achievement
Cristina Carrazza, Talia Berkowitz, Lisa Rosen, Dario Cvencek, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Susan C. Levine
12:55 to 1:55pm EDT (9:55 to 10:55am PDT)
Poster presentation: Exploration of theoretical and empirical congruence in a measure of early math
Shannon Stark Guss, Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Crystal A. Day-Hess
1:10 to 2:40pm EDT (10:10 to 11:40am PDT)
Paper presentation: Connecting symbolic fractions to continuous proportion using a fraction card game
Jacob Butts, Michelle A. Hurst, Susan C. Levine
Paper presentation: Dime cuántos: Latine parents’ math talk during wordless book sharing
Gigliana Melzi, Viviana Kawas, Jessica Huancacuri, Margaret Caspe
2:45 to 4:15pm EDT (11:45am to 1:15pm PDT)
Paper presentation: Synthesizing mixed evidence on associations between parent number talk and SES
Eric Dearing, Beth M. Casey, Pamela Davis-Kean, Sarah H. Eason, Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Susan C. Levine, Caitlin S. Lombardi, Ariadne Nelson, Geetha B. Ramani, Maria Ines Susperreguy